A place to meet with friends, make new ones and talk about whatever comes to mind.

July 30, 2010

Style Fridays: Marveously Missoni

Michael from Bound by String transforms an ordinary steel bench into this fabulous showstopper by reupholstering it with Missoni fabric. Love is!!! Way to go Michael!

What do you think? What piece of furniture would you remake in Missoni?

Happy weekend!

July 25, 2010

July 23, 2010

Style Fridays: Flats!

Move over Reva! These Jimmy Choo flats are perfect for a fanatical walker with bad ankles like myself. That leopard print, a brown or black bag, jeans, a white shirt, pearl earrings and a funky scarf. Sunday brunch, here I come! Ladies, how would you wear these shoes?

The Roll of Shame

Thanks to the American Thinker, here are the names of 65 of the members of the Journolist. Don't expect any surprises. For instance, who would ever think that Paul Krugman would be on the list?

July 22, 2010

The Administration Thinks We’re Stupid

According to briefs filed by the Justice Department, the Administration is defending the insurance mandate provisions of Obamacare from constitutional challenge by arguing that the mandate is lawful under Congress’ "power to lay and collect taxes." Let’s put this is plain English: the mandate provisions are a tax and the Constitution allows Congress to tax you.

You may recall that President Obama denied vehemently during the run-up to the bill’s passage that the mandate was in fact a tax. We heard this argument during all of 2009 and you probably do not need to be reminded of it, but please do watch this video.

Conservatives were saying all along that the mandate is a tax. We are saddened but not surprised by the Administration’s position. However, I am waiting for a reaction from Democrats to the fact that this Administration and the Democrats in Congress treat the American people as if we were stupid. For there is no other way to describe it. President Obama lied, Pelosi and Company lied and they could not even be bothered to get their story straight at a time when a long-forgotten interview can be retrieved on YouTube in a matter of seconds.

The Administration’s legislative strategy is premised on the notion that the American people have no long-term memory or capacity to compare and contrast statements uttered on separate occasions. They can use whatever talking points they believe are necessary to promote legislation regardless of the possibility that they may be required to contradict themselves in the future. They are telling you what they think you want to hear.

If the Administration and the Congressional leadership lied so readily about the tax provisions in Obamacare, why should you think that this is the first – or last – time they have been less than forthright with you? What else are they lying about now? Why should we trust anything coming out of this White House or the Democrats on Capitol Hill?

I ask Democrats if they are willing to relinquish their self-respect to further this Administration’s agenda. Even if they agree with Obama’s policies, do they accept the notion that government should be free to lie to its constituents without any fear of repercussions?

These are the politics of contempt. The Administration has displayed an appalling lack of respect for the American voter. They have trammeled over the principle of government by the people for the people when, in fact, we do not work for Washington; Washington works for us. (I realize that you might feel otherwise around April 15th.) The truth is that the Administration and the Democratic caucus are comprised of individuals whose salaries are being paid by the very people they are willing to deceive.

How would you react if one of your employees lied to you in such an egregious manner? I suspect that you would do everything in your power to fire that person. At the very least, you would be skeptical of anything that staffmember tells you in the future. How could you trust him or her?

Congress’ performance review is coming up on November 2nd. Will you let the lies go unpunished?

July 18, 2010

The Viennese Café

Whenever traffic snarls devour my day, whenever bureaucrats are at the peak of their obstructionist game, I long to be here. Grosser Schwarzer, please.

July 17, 2010


Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m delighted that you’re here. I hope we make this into a space where we can talk, share, argue vehemently and passionately and abuse the cap lock key until our fingers are hoarse. For what I value the most with regards to discourse among thinking individuals – and what I hope to encourage on this blog – is intellectual honesty. I don’t do politically correct. Facts will be allowed to speak for themselves here.

I’m planning to focus on three main topics. Foremost, American politics and economics. Second, cafés. The nexus? There are few things I enjoy more than sitting over a cup of coffee with a friend while we jot down the solutions to all the world’s problems on the paper napkin. Wait, there is something I enjoy more – sipping my coffee and glancing out the window of the café or the terrace to watch the world go by. That brings me to my third topic – style. On Fridays I will feature a post about fashion, art, interiors or architecture, some eye candy to start the weekend.

There will be the occasional book review. I’m a bookworm and I love to share my finds.

So please pour yourself some of whatever makes you happy, pull up a chair and join the discussion.